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RE: IPX or Banyon

>I have been auditing internet security.  I have been told by several
>technical employees that IPX systems are not vulnerable to IP attacks. 
>anyone know of situations where this is not true.  I have also heard the
>same about Banyon.
>Actual ways of accessing IPX would be appreciated, to prove our findings we
>usually have to demonstrate how the access could be done.
Thats Banyan, with an 'a'...

You need to clarify what you mean by IP attacks. Banyan's node addressing
is established by the local VINES server, and is not assigned to the PC, if
that is what you mean.

VINES clients send out a broadcast request to any local VINES server, the
server then responds back with connection information, including the client
node's network address. This information is also time stamped to prevend
playback attacks too. The node address is random to a point as well -- the
VINES server ID number is part of it, but the rest is randomly assigned.

-- John Allen
-- Internet Systems Consultant
-- Attachmate Corporation
-- Ex-Banyan CompuServ Forum SYSOP
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